The following panels have been extracted from the Netcomp Program for illustrative purposes.

Should you want to have a more dynamic presentation, please contact us.


 Help StartupScreen     Evaluation     Assessment

 Indiv. Data Sal. Survey     Survey Anal.     Sal. Ranges

 Weightings Grading     Questionnaire     Job Descr.



Help Menu

The Help menu is designed to help you navigate through Netcomp. As a result, you will generally find on the upper right corner of your program screen a question mark sign within a square yellow button.

By clicking on the help button, you will access to the help menu that is specifically related to that screen.

In below panel shows the Index of the Help menu which is interactive.

Startup Screen

This is the startup screen which covers the general functionality of your Netcomp program, and consists of three main functions:

Main Program - When selected, this button activates the main Netcomp program where all evaluations, assessments, salary and individual data are entered and/or calculated as well as displayed.

Salary Mgr - When selected, this button activates a peripheral module to the main Netcomp program where annual competitive salary data for each covered country is entered, salary ranges constructed and performance merit increase matrices defined.

Weight Mgr - When selected, this button activates a peripheral module to the main Netcomp program where factors and sub-factors weighting are defined or modified, and the grade structured defined.

Surrounding these three main functional buttons, you have some peripheral buttons for updating files, modify the questionnaire, define the value lists,make various backups, create a new fiscal year, etc.




This data entry screen is used to enter the responses resulting from the position evaluation multiple choice questionnaire. However, prior to entering the responses, it is important to enter the general information about the position profile within the organization.

The evaluation table is built around six main factors :

A. Qualification

B. Communication

C. Organizational Resources

D. Organizational Effectiveness

E. Leadership

F. Challenge

Each factor has a number of corresponding sub-factors with multiple choice questions to be entered.

Should you not be in possession of the position evaluation questionnaire, you can click on the heading of the factor or sub-factor to get the relevant question and responses definition, as the questionnaire is built-in Netcomp.

The same logic applies to the remaining factors.

On the bottom of the Evaluation Screen, you can enter a concise position description illustrating the basic purpose of the position entered. In addition, you have the possibility (by clicking the arrow button just next to "Position Description") to define the main accountabilities required to fullfill the position.

The "JD" button will open the Position Questionnaire Program where the questionnaire can be edited and printed within the language of your choice.



This data entry screen is optional and is usually used to enter the responses resulting from the Incumbent Assessment multiple choice questionnaire. The structure is almost identical to the Position Evaluation Screen, but the questions are related to the actual skills and competencies demonstrated by the incumbent fulfilling the specific position.

The following data entry (i.e. the general data on the position/incumbent, as well as the command buttons), are common to the Evaluation, Individual Assessment, Individual Data, and Market Value screens, and therefore are entered once for the four screens.

The general data on the position/incumbent, as well as the command buttons, are common to the Evaluation, Individual Assessment, Individual Data, and Market Value screens, and therefore are entered once for the four screens.

As some questions in the Position Evaluation questionnaire are not pertinent to the Incumbent profile, the Assessment table has less questions.

Important :As the assessment uses some generic responses from the position evaluation results, the assessment exercise should be performed only after the position evaluation has been fully completed in order to have the correct point score.



Individual Data

This data entry screen is used to enter the information about the incumbent profile as well as his overall compensation package (i.e. Salary Planning exercise).

The Individual data entry fields cover a two year period. When you use for the first time Netcomp or enter a new incumbent, you have to enter the current year salary data (left column) prior to entering the new salary planned year .

When the year is completed, you will go to the start-up menu and select "New Year" to enter the new salary planned year to be covered. When you proceed with this command, it will clear the current year individual data column to leave room for the new coming year to be entered, and paste the actual data on the left hand side column of your Individual Data screen. Beware that the previous year data will be cleared permanently.


Salary Surveys

The purpose of this table is to enter the surveys that will be used for the choosen country. Prior entering any data, you have to go into he Definition screen, select the survey list and enter the surveys that you will ultimately use. Once this is done, you go back to the Survey Definition screen and define the validity of the salary ranges in your company. Usually it is influenced by the fical year of the company. As a result, you should select on the upper right corner of the "Salary Surveys" table which cycle is the most appropriate to your need. This will have a major impact on the automatic aging of your survey data.

Salary Movement Sources

The same logic of the "Salary Surveys" described above applies to this table. However, the C.O.L. and salary movement data correspond to the company's fiscal year and not to the calendar year. Once the data is validated an aging factor is being calculated and applied automatically on your survey salary findings. This aging factor corresponds to the percentage to be applied for the remaining of the current fiscal year (if the "Forecast" check box is not selected) plus the forecasted salary movement for the fiscal year to come, therefore giving you the appropriate adjustment percentages to prepare your salary ranges for the upcoming fiscal year.


Survey Analysis

The upper part of the Survey Analysis screen covers data about the incumbent profile as well as his current point/grade evaluation and related salary band. If the position has been exported from Netcomp, the information will automatically be transferred to the record. If needed, you have the possibility to modify the data. However, as the position is linked to Netcomp, each time you update the position, the modified data will be replaced by the initial data resulting from Netcomp to reflect the latest evaluation results.


Salary Ranges

This screen is activated for each selected country enabling the user to visualize and make printouts of the related salary scales where salary equations have been entered .

Within the range structure function you have the possibility to define the range spread by level of grades independently for each covered country.


Netcomp Weighting

When you select this button, a screen will be activated in order for you to define the weight of the Netcomp factors and sub-factors. For simulation purposes, you have the possibility to enter up to four weighting scenarios and test them in the Netcomp program at a later stage (i.e. Final weight, Weight 1, Weight 2, and Weight 3, using the << and >> navigation buttons).

The Netcomp weighting percentages are automatically calculated. This is done through a pair matching analysis process between factors (select the factor command button) or sub-factors (select sub-fact. command button). However, should you decide to enter your own percentage distribution table, you can do so by directly entering the desired percentage values. You will have warning messages should you exceed the 100% allocation for the factor and sub-factor.

Factors or sub-factors are compared between each other and you have to select their comparative importance.



Grading Structure

When you select this button, a screen will be activated in order for you to define the appropriate grading structure. For simulation purposes, you have the possibility to enter up to four grading scenarios and test them in the Netcomp program at a later stage.

You have the possibility to define a grading structure up to 30 grades. You can also decide what should be the first grade of the structure as well as the starting and maximum point value for such a structure (from 1 to a maximum of 9999 points).

This structure will then be applicable throughout the organization. Range spreads are defined in the Salary Manager module and is customizable country by country.


Question / Response Data Entry

The Question / Response data entry screen enables you to enter :

Netcomp has been structured around a well tested standard framework. It applies the latest evaluation techniques, using proven factors. Due to its standard structure, Netcomp is ready to be used immediately after the installation of the program, with a very short learning curve.

However, you have the possibility to modify the definitions, add the number of responses (usually up to 9), as well as modifying the weight of the factors, sub-factors and responses (see Weight Manager).

Job Description

Netcomp generates automatic job description report based on the answers given to the multiple choice questionnaire. However, you can also enter your own data in a structured framwork with preset pull-down menus (required skills and behavioral attributes for each reported accountabilities) to individualize your report. See a blank format below:


For more information, please contact us to download  a live demo version of Netcomp
